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How we cultivated community

The Challenge


Refreshing Yakima Nation Farms' brand for community connection

Yakama Nation Farms, known for its sustainable, high-quality produce and deep community roots, sought a brand refresh from Bonsai. The goal was clear: craft a unique brand identity and website that realigns with the Yakima Nation community's values and underscore its commitment to sustainability and local accessibility. We were all in. 




Crafting a fresh brand identity and website

Shaping a storytelling website

When it came to creating a website that narrates the perfect story at just the right moment, we dove into personas and user flows. We made sure to pack the site with related content, resources, and stories, all easily accessible based on user actions and preferences. Plus, we automated content population to keep those heavy content pages from being a scrolling nightmare. And why Shopify CMS? Well, it's not just big—it's scalable, setting YNF up for future growth.

Showing the variety of crops

To highlight the farm’s extensive variety of crops, we opted for vibrant product photography. However, we also wanted to provide an authentic experience, incorporating elements such as soil, shovels, and well-worn gloves throughout the site, offering users a glimpse into the farm's reality.

How YNF’s roots are fueling the future

The Yakama Nation in Washington State has a rich and storied history. Leading the charge for other tribes, their efforts to reclaim ancestral lands have led to ventures like Yakama Nation Farms, serving as a beacon of inspiration and progress for indigenous communities everywhere.

Yakama Farms Phone
Our Solution





The numbers speak
for themselves.

Yakima Nation Farms results 6 months after website launch.

  • +53.8%

  • +48.31%

  • +105%


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