
Commercial Cleaning

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How we unified multiple websites into one

The Challenge


Multiple websites, one brand

For more than 50 years, Legend Brands has been the secret sauce for professional cleaners, restorers, and facility managers. But, you know, with great power comes not just responsibility, but in the world of Legend, a bit of website chaos.

As the Legend’s crew grew over the years, they ended up with three websites for different business units. The digital clutter was real. That's when they hit the brakes and thought: why not give our customers one, easy-to-use website?

Legend Brands reached out to us at Bonsai to consolidate their websites and bring order to chaos. We were all in.


Our Approach


Personalization meets authenticity 

First things first—let's get personal. We weren't about to throw a one-size-fits-all website at Legend's diverse clientele. So, we played matchmaker, defining three sets of personas. We needed the new site to speak and align with the expectations of all users while giving each attention and a clear path to purchase.

To make it real, we got down and dirty—literally. Legend's world is all about tackling the grime, so we decided to embrace the grit. Our design elements weren't just pixels; they were droplets of sweat, specks of dirt, and the unmistakable aroma of industry authenticity. We wanted customers to know: we get it, we've been there, and we brought the visual proof.


Legend Phone
Our Solution


Sleek navigation & brand alignment

We aced the balancing act, catering to every persona's needs for smooth navigation, a brand-aligned design, and a spot-on messaging strategy. We revamped products and services presentation, making purchase pathways a breeze through partners and dealers. From a web trilogy, we shaped a legend – a single, impactful hub for Legend Brands. 


The numbers speak
for themselves.

Legend Brand results 1 year after website launch.

  • +153%

  • +59%

  • -37%

    Bounce rate

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