3X Lead Flow from SEO



CLIENT: Herd Freed Hartz


INDUSTRY: Executive Recruitment


MARKET: Fortune 500 Companies - B2B


VERTICALS: Technology, Consumer,

Manufacturing, Non-profit, Health, Finance,

Real Estate/Construction


As an executive search firm in Seattle, Herd Freed Hartz is tasked with “finding greatness” for top Northwest companies. With nearly 20 years servicing the region's top brands, HFH wanted to stand out and drive more business beyond their own networks.

Executive recruiting is a highly competitive market. HFH had attempted to do SEO in the past, but hadn’t gotten results with their previous vendors. Insert, Bonsai.



Along with implementing a specialized local SEO strategy, we noticed their website wasn’t mobile-friendly. And made sure to mobile-optimize ensuring a smooth user experience. After a short period of time, the results came rushing in. Boy were they astounding!

We not only met their goals, but exceeded them by achieving top 3 rankings, driving 60% more qualified visitors resulting in 291% more leads. Now that’s what we call results that deliver.

But it's not all just about how high they rank in searches. We also tracked user behavior on their website to gauge whether or not the right people are finding them. For example, their on-site contact form completions went from 9 to 79. And their job search form completion went from 0 to 78 in a year of working with us. HFH is a perfect example of how higher rankings and site optimization results in direct business leads.


Executive Recruiting

  • Increase in Leads


  • Keywords on Page 1


  • Organic Traffic



The numbers speak
for themselves.

Herd Freed Hartz results within 1 year of working with us.

  • +62%

    Organic traffic
  • +291%

    Increase in leads
  • +52

    Keywords ranking #1

In a world of white noise marketing firms - these guys are legit.


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