
Real Estate

  • Search Rank for Waterfront Apartments


  • Website Traffic


  • total Conversions


How we put waterfront apartments on top of the market

The Challenge


Standing out among the crowd

Cyrene Apartments is a new luxury apartment building located on Seattle’s waterfront. They came to us with a reasonable request. Find more tenants.

We needed to improve their presence online. But in Seattle’s ultra-competitive real estate market, it was just as important for Cyrene to stand out. In the crowded field of apartment buildings in the area, they needed to look like the clear option.



Our Approach


A comprehensive digital approach

We started by establishing Cyrene’s ideal target audience. And then developing a comprehensive digital strategy that would both reach its audience and convert them into tenants faster.

Our plan centered around the Cyrene website. With the idea of moving leads further down the marketing funnel faster. We created high converting landing pages. And added another page featuring interactive floor plans. We filmed riveting assets, like a video walkthrough. Visitors could virtually wander the beauty building and immerse themselves in the culture of the surrounding waterfront.

All that was left to do… get em to the website.

Bonsai Cyrene Phone
Our Solution


A digital marketing blitz

We pulled eyeballs away from the competition by launching an aggressive and sustained digital advertising campaign. This included search engine optimization (SEO), blog posts and social posts to engage potential tenants. And they were quite engaged.   

The digital campaign resulted in a jaw dropping 136% spike in website traffic and a 90 percent increase in incoming leads via Cyrene’s website.

The numbers speak
for themselves.

Cyrene Apartment's results within 1 year of working with us.

  • #1

    Search rank for waterfront apartments
  • +136%

    webSITE traffic
  • +90%

    TOTAL conversions

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