- Corporate
- 11.15.2015
How to protect your business from Social Media Sabatoge
I'm writing this post because Social Media Marketing is now a standard business practice and business owner's especially need to protect themselves. It's hard for me to see any reason why any company doesn't have some sort of social media presence. I am seeing that many companies recognize the importance of social media and have extended their social media duties to become a specific portion of their marketing teams, or have made a single person in charge of the duties, or have contracted it out to agencies or individuals. Which is really smart. Social media is a full time job that takes talent and expertise. Often times the owners of these companies...Presidents, CEOs, founders don't have time to keep up with or learn these mediums, and don't keep track of the daily operations. They don't want to worry about it. The problem is this... Your company's online presence... for example facebook, is in the soul ownership of one person or agency. YIKES!
WHAT IF THIS PERSON DIES OR THE AGENCY GOES UNDER? (Ever wonder what happens to a personal page when someone dies....well it's similar with a business page...if there is only one administrator it can cause some serious issues trying to transfer the ownership.)
1.) Social Media Marketing Master Spread Sheet: Keep a record on a social media marketing master spread sheet with a list of all your social media sites as well as usernames and logins.
2.) Record The Culture: Have the administrators describe their general daily usage and purpose of each social media outlet. Ex: Many social media outlets revolve around a steady theme (as they should). Each day status updates on facebook may be industry news, or an industry related quote, or just a general personal message about how the business is doing on that particular day. It's important that the general and steady activity is documented so it can be easily transferred to the next person or agency.
3.) Multiple Administrators: Have multiple administrators. Facebook especially. Ideally you would have at least 3 administrators. The owner of the company whether they make an update never in their lives should be an administrator on the account. These social media outlets are proprietary and are aspects of your businesses online presence. God forbid your facebook administrator is suddenly hit by a car, and all of a sudden the your faithful fans have nothing to look forward to. No new videos, status updates, pictures tagged...nothing until you write multiple letters and petition for access to your OWN facebook page.
My suggestion. The owner of the business should be an administrator on these sites no matter what. I'm not saying the owner should manage them because they might not get the culture of these mediums and might not be the right person for the success of their social media presence but they should have access to them and have a master document that explains how each one is being managed.
Questions to answer for the Social Media Marketing Spread Sheet:
What mediums are listed on?
What are the passwords and logins to each of these mediums?
How often are you making updates?
What kind of content are you posting?
What is the theme of each of our mediums (Twitter, Facebook, Blog, etc.)
What purpose does each medium serve?
People in your business realm will come and go but your online presence is a permanent aspect of your business moving in to these exponential times and must be taken seriously. This is 21st century standard business practice. Approaching your social media administrators shouldn't be an uncomfortable conversation. You can just tell them...this is standard Social Media Business practice... "Thank you for your cooperation :)"