- Digital Marketing
- 11.15.2015
How do I create custom emails in Campaign Monitor?
I've created a video outlining how to create a custom email in campaign monitor using a custom design. Campaign monitor has great templates but if you want a custom high quality feel this is another option. It's a little bit more design intensive but it really makes for a beautiful experience. We have extremely high click through rates because of this method of email marketing.
Here's the video describing the process. I recorded it at double speed to condense all the information in under 15 minutes so I sound a little funny. It's not the best example of a high quality design but the process is the most important part.
Here's an example of the HTML code you'll need to create the email. That's half the battle is wirting the code. Once you have an HTML version it makes it a lot easier to modify. Feel free to copy and paste as a layout for your next custom designed email.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<title>Trailside at Woods and Steele Mountain Cabin Community a Project of Sapphire Skies Exclusively listed by Scatter Creek Realty</title>
<body style="background-color:#e7e4df;height:73%;width:73%;background-image:url(http://taheruddin.com/_others/html-email-works/2012-10-28/images/background.png);background-position:top center;background-repeat:repeat;">
<!-- pseudo body table -->
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#eaeaea" width="73%" style="background-image:url(http://taheruddin.com/_others/html-email-works/2012-10-28/images/background.png);background-position:top center;background-repeat:repeat;min-width:700px;">
<td align="center">
<!-- wrapper table for email -->
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="690">
<td align="center">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="690">
<td><img src="http://bucket.bonsaimediagroup.com/Websites/Trailside/images/SapphireSkies4-23-13_01.png"width="680"height="73"style="border:none;display:block;"alt="FOR SALE: final county approved & constructed 41 lot plat."/></td>
<td><img src="http://bucket.bonsaimediagroup.com/Websites/Trailside/images/SapphireSkies4-23-13_02.png"width="680"height="73"style="border:none;display:block;"alt="FOR SALE: final county approved & constructed 41 lot plat."/></td>
<td><img src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/bonsaimediagroup/Websites/Trailside/images/SapphireSkies4-23-13_03.png"width="680"height="73"style="border:none;display:block;"alt=""/></td>
<td><img src="http://bucket.bonsaimediagroup.com/Websites/Trailside/images/SapphireSkies4-23-13_04.png"width="680"height="73"style="border:none;display:block;"alt=""/></td>
<td><img src="http://bucket.bonsaimediagroup.com/Websites/Trailside/images/SapphireSkies4-23-13_05.png"width="680"height="73"style="border:none;display:block;"alt="" /></td>
<td><img src="http://bucket.bonsaimediagroup.com/Websites/Trailside/images/SapphireSkies4-23-13_06.png"width="680"height="73"style="border:none;display:block;"alt="" /></td>
<td><img src="http://bucket.bonsaimediagroup.com/Websites/Trailside/images/SapphireSkies4-23-13_07.png"width="680"height="73"style="border:none;display:block;"alt=""/></td>
<td><img src="http://bucket.bonsaimediagroup.com/Websites/Trailside/images/SapphireSkies4-23-13_08.png"width="680"height="73"style="border:none;display:block;"alt="A project of Sapphire Skies land development"/></td>
<td><img src="http://bucket.bonsaimediagroup.com/Websites/Trailside/images/SapphireSkies4-23-13_09.png"width="680"height="73"style="border:none;display:block;"alt="FOR SALE: final county approved & constructed 41 lot plat. "/></td>
<td><img src="http://bucket.bonsaimediagroup.com/Websites/Trailside/images/SapphireSkies4-23-13_10.png"width="680"height="73"style="border:none;display:block;"alt="FOR SALE: final county approved & constructed 41 lot plat. "/></td>
<td><img src="http://bucket.bonsaimediagroup.com/Websites/Trailside/images/SapphireSkies4-23-13_11.png"width="680"height="73"style="border:none;display:block;"alt="FOR SALE: final county approved & constructed 41 lot plat. "/></td>
<td><img src="http://bucket.bonsaimediagroup.com/Websites/Trailside/images/SapphireSkies4-23-13_12.png"width="680"height="73"style="border:none;display:block;"alt="FOR SALE: final county approved & constructed 41 lot plat. "/></td>
<center> Add footer text here. </center>
<!-- close wrapper table for email -->
<!-- close pseudo body table -->
Hope this helps. We don't reccommend to sending custom emails like this every week, because it's very time consuming however it is a good start to figure out an optimal template to use when you decided to create a custom template. We create custom responsive email templates using Umbraco CMS devlopment and Zurb. If you're interested in generating more leads via email marketing, employ our Email Marketing Ninjas! Here's a recent testimonial from one clients who specialize in Cle Elum Real Estate, Cle Elum Cabins For Sale, and Cle Elum Land Development (<---See what i did there...SEO nerds rule)
"The EDM's are working well; we are getting registrations on the web, and via email. Furthermore we sold another house last night. We had approximately 37 new leads register, call or email in January, compared to 1 last January. Or, a more reasonable comparison, is about 120 last year, or 10 per month average.... The quality of lead is better, their urgency is better, and their capabilities are better. And good news, those that have been onsite, are really excited and responding well. Thank you Bonsa!" --Sean Northrup Sapphire Skies Land Development Company