Clutch Recognizes Bonsai Media Group as a Top Marketing Company in Washington for 2021

Here at Bonsai Media Group, we make it a point and priority to actually listen to our clients. That’s why they decided to reward us with something that we never expected.

Today, we are very happy to announce that we’ve been named as the Clutch Top Marketing Company in Washington for the year 2021.

Clutch is an online B2B resource that stands out in the field because of their unique verification system. This process allows them to determine the authenticity of the information that gets sent to them.

In order to become a Clutch leader, like we did, a company first needs to earn a lot of high quality reviews from other businesses they’ve worked with. Once those reviews pass Clutch’s verification, they’ll be published and look a lot like this.

The long journey one needs to walk to become a part of this prestigious group just hammers home how hard we’ve all worked in what has been a challenging year for everyone. This is why our CEO had this to say about what this award means for our team as a whole.

We pride ourselves in creating great experiences for our clients and it's nice to be recognized for our team's hard work. - Jason Labaw, CEO of Bonsai Media Group.

We also want to thank all of the people that made this possible for us. Most notably, our clients who took the time to leave a review on Clutch on our behalf. Because of how the Clutch criteria works, this would not be possible without them.

If you ever need a team to just listen and work for your vision, the Bonsai Media Group is here for you. Contact us today and let’s work together in bringing your ideas to life.



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